After My Bloody Fall On Palm Sunday
In response to queries about my recovery from a bad Palm Sunday accident in which my face and the patio concrete fought. The concrete won.
If you missed the post about last Sunday’s bloody accident, here’s the gist. It was a lovely Sunday. Until. As I was walking back from a two-mile walk, I came onto the back patio and shut the gate so my dog was safe. My husband was sitting 30 feet away Then. 💥 I was face fown on the concrete without warning. My husband and dog were horrified. They had watched me fall.
It happened so quickly, I didn’t know I was bleeding or how it happened until later. Really I still don’t know why I fell. Vertigo? I had difficulty getting up because I have 3 joint replacements, and though my husband wanted me to stand up quickly so we could deal with the blood—I just wanted to stay put. Eventually I made it to the house and bathroom to see the damage. It was bad.
I had abrasions from my right eyebrow down and across my nose to my upper lip with blood everywhere. I washed my face with my fingers gently, and tried to decide about the first aid. Well, it’s been a long week of hydrogen peroxide and antibiotic ointment. I’m healing slowly with a face and nose colored green and yellow over red and blue.i went out in public the car.
I do appreciate your concern this week. I’ll end with a thank you, BLUE NOTES community and friends—and a true hilarious story from Monday when I looked really scary. Today is Friday.
Our doorbell rang and rang. Persistently. My husband was in the shower. I had to answer the door. The two cutest, sweetest kids—a boy and a girl probably 7-8 stood there with a box of something to sell for Easter I presumed. They looked at my face and said “Thank you!” And RAN! 🤣🤣🤣 My husband laughed too.
I know this isn’t a 💙political post, but my face was really turning colors 💙💜💚💛 in this order😎. Be safe out there!
Thank goodness your nose wasn’t broken. Healing vibes continue to work.
I'm glad your healing is progressing.