Be Watchful As A Deer
In this political climate of violence, more mudslinging from the election deniers on the right—we must observe and think about how best to proceed against liars. Seriously, learn from deer.
First, I want to thank all of the new subscribers and followers who are fighting for Democracy in so many capacities. Using whatever gifts we possess is what it will take to keep Biden-Harris in the White House. The next 4 months will test our patience, but I know you believe as I do that Trump has awakened sleeping blue giants. We must be smarter and keep our cards close to our chest and uncover their nasty plots.
What can we learn from deer? More than we can learn from the media. Please humor me. We have deer everywhere, and summer heat is unbearable. We have deer who come, feel safe under shade trees, ignore our dog like he’s family, and they love most if I talk to them. At noon and about 3:00 p.m., the deer take naps but they look like they’re lying down with eyes half open for a couple of hours. They are always on guard watching for enemies. We provide refuge, and they know it.
Sometimes the male we call “Bucky” naps while the female naps. They reverse and Bucky grazes while the female naps. Teamwork. If you’re an animal lover too, you might guess where I’m going with this. We must be on guard against misinformation from the right and left and find refuge with like-minded Democrats and Republicans who know Trump will destroy what’s left of the American Dream for women, for veterans, for medical and military personnel—every person not on board with Trump will be pushed overboard, figuratively. We must watch one another’s backs.
Teamwork! If deer know instinctively to take turns watching for threats, we must work together to defeat evil. I believe that Trump is a threat to national security, and I believe all my subscribers do too. Frankly, I’m so impressed with posts by so many of you after the assassination attempt yesterday. Being diplomatic is hard for all of us, but if Joe and Kamala can do it —we can too. We must provide a refuge for civil discourse as Joyce Vance says, and I know she’s always right!
I have 2 suggestions which may sound like your mother’s advice:
If you want to win over evangelicals and Catholics, you need honey not vinegar. Fewer F words, for starters. That’s what my neighbors (on the brink of voting for Biden) said today.
With gun violence a big topic (again), start a list with Trump-MTG-et al quotes on the beauty of guns and comments after every mass shooting. They will come in handy during the conventions as a reminder of which party abhors violence.
So, let’s watch, be safe, be organized, and gather your blue teams.
Just for fun, here are photos of Bucky with his gal—I really want to thank you for your hard work on Substack.
💙🇺🇸💙 Diane
Bucky and his gal are savvy and gorgeous! 😘
So peaceful. Thank you.