Wading Into Blue Sky
What I have learned so far on my experiment. It’s a platform that’s very simple, but the whole follower aspect is very frightening. Substack friends, be patient —changing profile photos and names ;(
Wading into Blue Sky with a starter pack of favorites from Substack.
It’s an interesting platform. I never liked the concept of “followers” on Facebook or Substack —and now I still feel uneasy about who these people are who don’t know who suddenly followed me. It’s creepy.If you are following me with a different profile pic or handle, thanks. I was not a Twitter or X user, and Substack has been a refuge of nice subscribers here.
Here are some thoughts about platforms for you to consider:
If you have one hour for media a day, which is better: subscribing to hundreds on 2 platforms or one?
Will you be more informed or distracted by people you don’t know?
If you had to unsubscribe to all your stacks except 25 which always deliver facts and perspective, which ones would you keep with no hesitation? I know my 25. Think about your daily sanity and nourishment.
These are just some ideas that came to mind after checking Substack and Blue Sky this morning with coffee. I would appreciate your thoughts and advice before we join the blue “resistance.” I didn’t change my profile pic or handle on Blue Sky—yet. I’m open to ideas for safety and privacy from my favorite subscribers. You have enabled me to survive the last week, and I appreciate each one of you!💙🇺🇸💙 Diane
I think that cleansing one's online info would not make one any safer
Google knows everything and could serve as a reference for any predator desiring to harm someone.
I believe it would be best to keep lines of communication open for mutual support.
should include actual word of mouth contacts and perhaps a list of a couple of people whom you contact every day.
I love all of these--but am hoping I can make your list as writer of fiction and memoir--though every now and then an essay that relates to politics as this one: https://marytabor.substack.com/p/time-for-the-united-states-to-do and some on Inner Life and then this most heartfelt essay: https://marytabor.substack.com/p/lifeboat
But let me be super clear: I am with you for the fight for democracy that appears now to be possibly lost or at the very least in serious danger. 💞