Heard Along the Way
On my walks, people chat me up and share things I do not want to know about. . .
Yesterday I saw a Confederate flag on a truck bumper of a roofer. Fortunately he did not see my facial expression or hear what was going on in my head. So, I walked on thinking to myself, I would never hire a workman with a Confederate flag displayed.
On my way back home, there was the workman taking his lunch break. I planned on walking on by after a quick wave as people do in my neighborhood. He commented what a hot day it was, and I agreed as I walked on. He asked simply (a trap?) “Are you offended by my flag?” Uhoh. He must have seen me walk by earlier.
I asked, “What?” to buy time. He chuckled and repeated his question. He seemed nice. So I answered that I wasn’t offended, just surprised to see a Confederate flag in 2023 displayed publicly. He nodded and chuckled. Uhoh.
I couldn’t tell what he was chuckling about, but I assume it was my attitude. I needed to finish my walk, but how should I end the exchange? Good grief.
He laughed and said that he just bought the used truck yesterday, and he hadn’t had time to scrape off the flag with a twinkle in his eye. Relieved, I laughed with him! I felt guilty I had misjudged him based on a bumper sticker. Lesson learned. I might hire him to do my roof someday after all!