Hope Is The Best Medicine for America, Not the Sky Is Falling per Donald
Thank you, new subscribers! That you care and work for a new Blue America says there are more who share the vision of an America free of Trump-ism, billionaire-ism, and racist bullies.
Vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walt. Gird your loins and get your shields on because there will be Republican mudslinging coming at us even harder. We will prevail because we know the dangers of a second Trump presidency. It just floors me that any religious person of any faith tradition could vote for a felon, a crude bully, and lover of dictators.
Have Hope and fight the good, honorable fight for our families and all Americans. Diane 💙🇺🇸💙
From the archives
Bingo! This is why I push so hard against doomsday folks. It's counter productive.
I’m with Harris/Walz all the way. And I had to post to cleanse myself from reading the previous misinformation from Larry.