How Can We Know Anyone In 2024?
Getting to know the real nature of a person has always been a challenge. Do you really know your spouse? friends? Neighbors? Your family?
I’ll begin by saying it takes time and many interactions to know anyone. First friends, first lovers, new neighbors, and even family members don’t always make it easy to know them. Many people give up and just avoid contact especially with strangers. And in 2024, politicians.
However, everyone is really more of a stranger than we realize. Young people learn the hard way that not every person they meet loves them or desires the best for them. Some fall into depression, then later get back up and repeatedly seem to pick the wrong friends or lovers. I have a theory why failure to “recognize red personality flags” begins at home and in churches. No, my degrees aren’t in psychiatry; they’re based on teaching literature and common sense.
So. How do we teach children to read a person’s eyes and body language? If parents themselves have trouble discerning good vs. bad influences (like the maga-cult parents), they cannot teach their children to be wise. Instead they use cliches like “Don’t speak to strangers” which initiates a lifelong suspicion of not only strangers but anyone different than themselves in race, religion, and nationality.
Strangers are “others” and they are not equal to the in-crowd. It’s bigotry par excellence in the end.This is why some elite parents isolate children to protect them from the “outsiders.” Therefore, immigrants and non-whites are now “others” to avoid in some communities. White flight and school vouchers are related to the fear of “others.” It is real.
Trump, the master deceiver and racist, wants to isolate America from other countries he hates personally. He divides people into “with me” vs. “others who oppose me.” That stokes chaos and hatred. It is important that adults in the room and VOTERS see through disinformation intended to create chaos to divide the American people.
Between now and the next news broadcast or the “big presidential debate”, practice talking less and be an observer of eye contact and body language for starters. I know exactly what my husband thinks by his facial expressions. I knew Trump was not America’s best choice long before he came down the elevator. Did you too?
Trust your gut. Teach by example when you spot the first lie on television with the kids. Practice critical thinking now more than ever in your life. It will pay off. Don’t try to pretend everyone is a nice guy. Remember if you’re bothering to read good sources on Substack, you’re not like 80% of low information voters who will wait until fall to decide with a flip of a coin. That’s if they vote.
College students should be the protesters walking with older generations. Future generations need your passion in 2024, and they will hopefully look back at us and be proud we saved our country’s democracy from a power-hungry Felon Trump. We must out SCOTUS because Alito and Thomas are not what they appear to be either: watch their body language!
Vote Blue 💙🇺🇸 💙🇺🇸💙
One of the main Shakespearen themes is appearance vs. reality which is also one of the main themes in literature and film. Those who study this theme are blessed if they can transfer the knowledge to real life situations. Detective fiction is another tool to teach children clues in assessing character and hidden motivations.
Michael G, for you.