Huge Lawsuit Being Issued for Big Stinky T & Co.
Finally quick comeuppance is at hand for Big T and all of his legal and media enablers! The firm of Animal Farm LLC is asking for $500 billion in irreparable damages to their species by Stinky T & Co.
After 15 years of putting up with humans trying to imitate other species, animals have formed a class action lawsuit aimed at receiving apologies and 500 billion dollars from Stinky Trump, his family, his former White House Staff, and 500 lawyers who tried to defend the traitorous former president in so many lost lawsuits that these complainants couldn’t let him get away.
Complainants are as follows (their real names have been withheld to prevent future harassment):
Skunks (outdone by Trump)
Red Foxes (exploited by Fox Entertainment and Tucker Carlson)
Poisonous Snakes (Trump’s attacks scared the spines out of politicians)
Loyal Dogs (worked overtime comforting abused humans in Big T’s crosshairs)
Birds of a Blue Feather (spent hours and hours doing surveillance of vultures, crows, and hawks following Big T’s legal teams)
***Note: 999 species unlisted here who fear their extinction by T’s mudslinging have joined another class action suit.
Photo by Shraddha Agrawal on Unsplash
These five groups were the first and bravest to initiate the class action suit, but since then many other species have joined them. The other suits are forthcoming fighting Stinky Trump & Co. Their environment is at stake.
When you visit the zoo, stop and thank the animals above who stepped forward. Their lawyer announced at the press conference that all proceeds from the lawsuit will go to help animals unable to help themselves in a greedy, stinky world made intolerable, dangerous, and deadly poisonous by King Stinky T.
Apologies to George Orwell who inspired the law firm “Animal Farm LLC” to fight one man’s inhumanity to human and animal life.
Vote blue🇺🇸💙💙
And on behalf of my cat and her litter box (which overpriced cat litter btw does NOT in fact eliminate said cat box odor you liars) “amen”.