United—we can stand for Democracy and against Trump and for Democracy, Democrats. No one wins if Trump wins except his family, sycophants, oligarchs. We the People need to STEP UP!
Dear Diane’s Blue Notes Community:
You know this is true: United we stand; divided we fall! Don’t give Trump what he wants—a divided America requiring martial law with the power to do anything he wants to enemies. It’s July, and we can beat Trump if all those wringing their hands about the debate would actually WORK to get the vote out!
Democrats are pitting fellow Democrats against Democrats right now in the drama of the debate combined with the SCOTUS immunity decision. JUST STOP IT! Take one day examine your Substack feed alone. I found some anti-Biden Democrats (or former Republicans pretending to be Democrats) bashing Biden’s age ad nauseum. What do they do in real life to get voters to the polls? All hot air. Please don’t let the oxygen takers and critics depress you—that is their goal. Clicks. Remember the world out there sees what it sees more objectively. They believe the loudest and the rudest assessments of America’s divisions. Don’t give them fuel!
Rachel Maddow has a great unveiling of Republican machinations. Important!
We need to look back before we dust ourselves off. Passion for freedom and democracy must come from the heart as in this famous song: Read the subtitles, friends of freedom and independence. What will future generations and countries think of us if we pro-Democracy Democrats and pro-Democracy Republicans don’t unite behind a pro-Democracy President because we still using grousing like spoiled children waiting for someone else to fight for us?
Would we be able to stand stronger together? Absolutely YES!
Remember who we are! Buckle up!
Last the desser! If you’ve not been following Rachel Maddow’s Prequel, listen to her latest episode. It will freeze you but get your blood pumping blue 💙🇺🇸💙
I couldn’t agree more Diane! Here’s a fairly pain free way to get involved. Postcards to Dem voters have a good track for success in getting people engaged. Here are some links for postcarding: I've had good experiences with all three of these sites:
Seniors Taking Action: https://seniorstakingaction.org
Field Team 6: https://fieldteam6-partners.herokuapp.com
Postcards to Swing States: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/
I am writing post cards to swing states.