Keep Your Windows Clean!
If your eyes are windows to your soul, keep your windows clean! The eyes reveal passion, interest, deceit, racism, and intelligence. It’s not the smile but the eyes that tell the truth.
If you read enough love poetry or romantic novels, you know about two people falling in love and staring longingly into the other’s eyes. Many real-life couples begin their courtship subtly this way. I still love to look into my husband’s eyes and see his reactions with no words to get in the way.
Let’s change the subject. You can assess political candidates by looking into their eyes in person or on video to a degree. If you can barely stand to look a a person (like Trump, MGT, or the maga-traitors), that tells you so much. Right? It’s the body’s visceral response to unnatural and hypocritical players. Your garden “eye angel” is there steering you away! The people without discerning “eye angels” are those with blinders on seeing only that the politicians “say” without being informed. They are in a blind cult worshipping hollow men and women.
These cult worshippers have not kept the windows of their poorly formed souls free of dirt, debris, or dung. There is a tiny aperture open for tunnel vision to see their god-Trump, and everyone not him looks threatening and muddy. You are what you see; therefore, they are nearly blinded by their own dirty eyes. They project that dirt and dung on all opponents of their idol. It’s hopeless because they refuse to clean their windows, and the “eye angels” are gone.
When I was single, my girlfriends said see how long your date maintains eye contact while talking over dinner. Is he focused or distracted by everyone around your table? Not good. They were so right. When you fall in love, all you want to do is look at your beloved. If you’ve been married for 40-50 years and still look longingly into your partner’s eyes, your marriage is a rare treasure.
So, the eyes have it. Keep them healthy and clean to allow the love, the light, and the truth to be enjoyed.
I’m attaching a link about eyes and the nuances they can detect. You’re smarter than you know assessing genuineness and romance! Call upon your eye angel to help you if in doubt!
Great post and fascinating article. Thanks for the link. I’ll be observing everyone’s eyes more closely now. Haha! It’s almost 30 years since I met my husband and I still love to gaze in his eyes!
Wise words and thoughts. Thank you.