My hero
began her substack “Civil Discourse” to fight back against the political speech crudities coming from Trump, his enablers, and comrades in slandering decent Americans. She gave us a breath of fresh air, and her readers appreciate her legal perspective on all of the many Trump court cases, appeals, decisions, and delays. She knows her stuff, and how wonderful it would be to have her as a professor. Her substack is a classroom in itself for all of us fatigued by the Trump felonies, denials, facts of each case, and pure Republican deceitful doublespeak.I’m a retired teacher of high school, not junior high students. The latter are drama kings and queens with their hormones on the surface. Pettiness and childishness are the rule with girls crying and boys trying to be manly. When I look at Trump, I see a junior high king-wannabe who hasn’t matured though his aging body is witness he should be a man, not a mean bully out of control. Teachers recognize his juvenile potty mouth. Like a “spoiled child” Trump has no off button on his mouth. He’s like a pot of boiling water overflowing and burning everyone within his reach. Trump never reached high school maturity, clearly.
Trump and his enablers are fire-throwing dinosaurs and shapeshifters. His fan base cannot see the damages his personality alone has wreaked. After the 2016 election, I remember this one feeling. I dreaded Thanksgiving and Christmas and later Easter because I knew that my church had 95% Republicans who voted for Trump all because of the pro-life campaigning and emailing. The smartest thing I did was to create an email filter banning any email with the words “Trump, Republican, Life, Money.” That helped my sanity. He invaded every aspect of family and group gatherings like a terrible red plague wiping out decency. The pandemic allowed me to stay away from toxic Trump fans.
January 6, 2021 was the worst day for We the People though it was clear that his fan base and news media used it for clicks instead of pulling him into jail immediately. It’s good to be a democracy, but the wheels of justice are too slow. Now in this coming election, all of the people who want to see America wiping the slate clean of Trumpism have to gird their loins and grow spines. The world is watching. Historians are watching, and our deceased military who fought for democracy are watching. We must not make heaven’s heroes weep any more. We must choose hope, joy, honor, truth.
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz must win this election because we the people do not want to die under a convicted felon’s America. So that’s my story. I do not want my husband or me to die under Trump’s regime. I am supporting all young adult voters who are knocking on doors, doing everything they can to save women’s health, the environment, our democracy and reform. Please reach out to people younger than yourselves, and help them maneuver the complicated political issues. The future is theirs and they must win it back from charlatans and cheaters.
Thank you for listening to my first audio. My puppy was napping which helped. I’m not sure the audio is my thing. But I thought I’d give it a try.
This Diane K24 who is 100% Harris/Walz 💙🇺🇸💙. Let’s get that blue wave!🌊🌊🇺🇸
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