Remodeling the Big “House” and My Tiny Cottage
Whether it’s Congress or my current bathroom remodel, patience and time are required.
Our bathroom remodel wasn’t a priority as we made changes to the house for 40 years. Now we are halfway through, and it’s been stressful but necessary. We waited a over a year to get the expert tile man, and it’s worth the wait.
I was thinking about all of the changes needed in Congress and the Supreme Court. We need some honorable “remodelers” in DC. First, remove every Senator and representatives who denies Biden is President;
Second, remove and prosecute any staff, lawyers, Republican Obstructionists who held the nation hostage on the debt ceiling.
Third, identify those hypocrite senators and reps who have returned to their home states after voting no on the infrastructure—and are trying to take credit for roads, bridges, and all of the Federal money assisting their states for emergencies and progress (broadband). Their audacity is beyond disgusting.
Democrats must show split screen videos to show their vote and their speech taking credit.
Once the initial cleansing is finished, have the remaining “players” be sworn in again to serve the people, not their own pet projects.
Republicans have plotted to do what they done (controlling the electors and the Supreme Court) for years. Democrats simply need to out-play Republicans. Now not 2024.
Meanwhile tear out the walls of Congress to the studs, put in new floors and ceilings with cameras on every member 24/7
And most important, buy commodes for obvious reasons and air fresheners. I suggest the “Traitor Away” and “Liars on Fire” fragrances.