Yes, Virginia, get yourself a Democracy Shark to “neutralize” media poison
Don’t take the bait. Be a smart Democracy SHARK who swims above and below to neutralize evil trollers! Hehe
You’ve complained as I have about bots and trollers on social media for years. It’s every user’s duty to report them and help your community on Substack or your other media sites. Who will report them if we don’t?
Here’s a wee story:
It goes like this-once upon a time—CHOMP! 7 trollers reported by yours truly never to return again because the administrators CHOMPed them like minnows in a creek. This is back before meta or x. It happened. Just report trillers and keep your beloved writers safe.
Anti-Democracy trollers need to be held to account by people who care! Pull the plug on these trollers and sleep well🇺🇸