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💯percent, Lisa! 💙🇺🇸💙

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Thank you! I’m not as discreet as I could, or should, be. Your comments are very helpful.

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Diane, Thank you for your wisdom. I’m only a SubStack subscriber/reader and not an author. I have the math gene, not the English gene. I’ll comment on a few of the SubStacks to which I subscribe and have learned to avoid discussion in Notes other than to Restack a post.

Always background check someone new in which you want to engage in a serious discussion, follow, or subscribe. I learned that from LinkedIn, a “business” site than can easily skew right and has a lot of people with really big egos. Never done FB, X/Twitter, Instagram, etc. and no desire to start.

Written comments can fail to recognize sarcasm or lack of context. I’ve had that happen a few times and was once blocked by someone that couldn’t understand I had a similar position.

I definitely avoid people who insist on the last word (that was the person who blocked me) or being an expert on everything (I dropped one paid subscription because a very frequent commenter treated it like his personal sandbox insisting on dominating the conversation.). Those are easy to spot by very long threads.

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Great advice Diane. There's a lot of sketchy profiles here. I see trolls in Notes quite often. I always check profiles before I follow anyone. Same with Subscriptions.

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Before Notes, I had no trolls. Just sayin’. I believe Substack became too much like the Facebook I rejected.

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Diane K24: Your counsel is quite wise. The circle I follow or subscribe to is selective. I have had no bad experiences.

My only problem, which I hope to take care of in late April (an intervening trip to Eastern Europe will take up time in the meantime), is I only know how to "Note" not to "Post". My technical IT ability is limited to what I can glean from my grandson.

I have been "Blue/Democrat" for a long time. I am a "Reagan Democrat": Reagan became President; Armando then LEFT the Republicans and became Democrat. Ergo: Armando is a "Reagan Democrat". And the Party has only gotten worse since then. At least George H.W. Bush made clear that David Duke, who circa 1990 won the Republican Primary in Louisiana, was KKK and NO Republican. A far cry from the fascist cry about Charlottesville: "There are good people on both sides" -- and that, spoken by Orange-Fascist AFTER a fascist terrorist ran his car into a crowd killing a woman.

I am appalled at the fact that fully one-quarter of our Nation is Fundamentalist-Cultist/Neo-Fascist. It is appalling.

Philip Roth gave us a good idea of what such a Trump Second Term would look like in his novel, "Plot Against America" (which created the scenario of a Nazi-Friendly Charles Lindbergh winning in 1940, and the alternative fascist, militaristic state Roth believed Lindbergh would have imposed).

I LOVE your work.

WOW: Even as I write: The former Senator Joe Lieberman just passed away. Now his soul is with that of John McCain. May they both be in the Beatific Vision!

(Yes: I am a Bernie-Sanders/Elizabeth-Warren Democrat. But I love persons of character, and I feel strongly that Joe Lieberman and John McCain were deeply men of character, with whom I can DISAGREE civilly.

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I’m in your neighborhood as long as you do not write about sports or cooking; I might add lost pets as my Facebook feed is swimming in them!

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I don’t miss Facebook!

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Want to abandon with a great big signal to Zuckerburg that his platform well and truly sucks, so many trolls, other invasive species, but older family there not anywhere else so hanging on by a thread for the sake of “tribes.”

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I appreciate your leadership. I’m a Fan of John McCain and Elizabeth Warren too. I admire the guts of anyone like Liz Chaney and Adam Kinsinger who call out traitors bravely regardless of party too. We need honorable leaders, not pawns.

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Diane K24: Talk about "Blue Notes," YOU hit all of the RIGHT notes!

I totally agree. I am one in spirit with you!

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You might like to publish on Blue Notes. I don’t know much how collaborating works on here, but it’s worth study!

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