Thought provoking, Diane. Many, many of us have had this same experience, even within families. A try at rational discussion usually ends with deep division. Where, when did these relatives and friends make these transitions? It isn’t new, history is full of the same.
You’re right, Bonnie. Back in the late 50’s pre-John Kennedy’s election, my grandparents were staunch Republicans who thought he was a Communist due to Republican propaganda. My sweet mother became a Democrat she was so upset. I guess propaganda has always been around as well as divisions. It’s the silence and hypocrisy I hate. At least my grandparents were open and loud.
Thought provoking, Diane. Many, many of us have had this same experience, even within families. A try at rational discussion usually ends with deep division. Where, when did these relatives and friends make these transitions? It isn’t new, history is full of the same.
You’re right, Bonnie. Back in the late 50’s pre-John Kennedy’s election, my grandparents were staunch Republicans who thought he was a Communist due to Republican propaganda. My sweet mother became a Democrat she was so upset. I guess propaganda has always been around as well as divisions. It’s the silence and hypocrisy I hate. At least my grandparents were open and loud.