Some Fun While I Wait for Karma To Strike Traitors
Forget Godot. I’m waiting for Karma to bite the election deniers and anti-democracy election winners. It’s a Greek drama with Howdy Doody players. Blues will absorb oranges in time.
So, meanwhile Happy Winnie Sunday!
Winnie will be 5 months old on December 7th. She’s a crackerjack as my grandpa used to say. Wild, wooly, unpredictable, sweet, adorable as well as shark with puppy teeth in progress on toys, rocks, us, furniture, leashes, bones 😂😂😂! She’s very different from our bearded collies; I guess a Mini- Bernedoodle is totally different in behavior and activity. She does sleep at night and she’s a great napper 2 hours before our lunch, and 2 hours roughly mid-afternoon. Wild-child!
Above the videos precede her digging and getting paws and face dirty. She may have leanings toward geology because she selects rocks (on the table), but if we toss them away—she has a rock-locator in her DNA we think. These same rocks reappear. She doesn’t eat them; she also selects mauve tone ones we noted.
Then, you can see the muddy gravel hole she just dug dragging the leash behind her. Bath later in her forecast! The sun came out in the last photo by the fence. She dropped her toys to watch the neighbor wash his car. She misses nothing indoors or out. We are on duty!
That orange Kong ball with 2 handles is her favorite toy. I think she could give the orange sympathizers a run to the hills. She’s so fast and agile, I may enroll her in track and tracking!
Peace and goodwill to you all! New subscribers, I usually try to do a few non-political posts. I’m not making light of the dangerous situation our country is in. We need humor, art, music, literature, nature, and I believe loving animals to get us through whatever is coming down the pike in 2025. We must prepare.
May we unify as non-Trump cultists and stop giving backseat driver advice to the Democratic Party. It will be on the right side of history in the long run. I’ve come to believe too many Democrats on social media (including famous ones) have provided all the defamatory fuel to maga-types. Then we wonder why the Republican spineless politicians and reporters slander our party. We must stop dividing Democrats and Independents—let Republicans divide Republicans.
Grab you loved ones and pets today for your happiness. Never let anyone steal your joy. Be informed and happy you know the facts from educated patriots trying to save our Democracy.
Last, yes, I’m on Blue Sky following the same solid writers I do on Substack. Give it a try, but remember the most important thing is to CURATE your feeds here and there. Do it daily or as you go. I take time to protect free subscribers who may not know the ropes of safety precautions yet. You’re so welcome!
If you wish to find me on Blue Sky,
First amendment rights. Social media is for expression. It is not church. Democrats were too sweet, too quiet, too polite for far too long, and look where it got us. We got caught unaware and were smacked over the head. We didn’t even see it coming, but we should have. Kamala spoke out plenty. She didn’t tiptoe around. I don’t like all the cussing and much of what is said, but I will speak the truth, and I will express what I observe. Expressive people are not bad people. They are people that say what other people are thinking, that just don’t speak up. Granted some are crude and rude, as is the case everywhere in life. Anyway, thank you for everything.
"A Greek Tragedy with HOWDY Doody players." Pure art, thank you.