Tada! Final Answer Is . . .
Note the final Substack name change! Thanks for your patience and suggestions as always. Invitations will be for guest contributors soon.
Dear Subscribers,
Thanks for your patience with title changes and direction for this Substack. What a troubling, disgusting, outrageous month we have experienced. When I get anxiety, I begin to read more, tweak whatever needs tweaks on this site. In any case, here’s the final answer (finally!) before I pull my hair out in February.
Diane’s Blue Notes has changed its name and focus. I hope some of my favorite authors can contribute articles via the guest writer option. Instead of Blue Notes, it’s going to be titled Diane’s Blue Forum. I was going to use “Sassy” Diane until I received a very kind subscriber’s remark that Sassy just wasn’t my nature. I am more than likely just “stubborn” or “angry” as we fight for democracy.
Why did I select “Forum” instead of Notes? Substack is a huge, diverse forum but so much better than Facebook, X, Instagram, TicTock. We need healthy forums of like-minded subscribers here to cancel out the MAGA propaganda outlets:
“Traffic boomed, but cultural fracturing worsened as MAGA created its own information ecosystem via independent outlets and forums like Facebook.—Spencer Kornhaber, The Atlantic, 23 Jan. 2025
It is clear to me now that Democrats must rise higher than ever to stem this reprehensible tide of fascism and theft of people’s inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness literally. Let’s face it. No one else is going to save America from these power-hungry billionaires. These people have no shame even if they show off their crosses on air.
No politics today. I am very interested in inviting guest writers in the following categories: political analysis, art, poetry/stories, nature (animals, scenery, travel, environmental protection. Because my 2 substacks are free, I will try to invite writers who will also not charge for their contributions. Perhaps you are thinking of the same people I am already for once or twice a week publication. Email me: diane007@duck.com if you are interested or wish me to invite someone special. I will be keeping a list. Below is a poll you may take for fun if you are interested.
May all of us keep our blue pro-democracy spirits alive. Plant the seeds for resistance deep. Don’t be discouraged. “Apple” was the first word I ever said after the usual “mommy” and “daddy”, and this generated image fascinated me not just because it’s blue. What do you see? I see a modern tree of life with bright steps to climb it. We must keep climbing up and over the obstacles just like our democracy fighters have always done though we are so tired and discouraged by today. The steps are calling.
Forum definitely gets my vote; it sounds more inviting. 🤔. Something I will contribute to when my health permits.
Hope you are keeping well despite the circumstances, and that Winny is thriving. 💙💙🐶
I love the painting of the apple tree, steps and multi colored carpet. I write about creativity and mental health. I also offer intuitive classes. Today's world needs more opportunity to focus on creativity. It helps to heal emotional wounds, create more space inside to breathe, relax and create. When we are creating we are in our heart and body and not listening to our inner critic. We can then begin to expand our thinking and discover new ideas to change the narrative. Thanks for listening.