Look at the spineless politicians in Congress who have only their interests at heart—and tell me if they couldn’t use some of Harriet’s love for her people at the risk of her life. Stand up!
Tried the bottom share but Substack doesn’t allow the share. Please post on Fb if you don’t mind. More locals who don’t do Substack need the opportunity to this piece🇺🇸
Thanks, I think you can share on the bottom of the Substack app with the arrow to select your media choice. Let me know. I have a defunct FB, but I can revive it and friend you I think. FB has too many trollers. I keep it to watch Heather’s video’s!
I’ll try. This is so inspirational and as a white, woke 82 year old woman with an ED.D. I feel the need now more than ever to speak up against the current political environment. My oldest brother Charlie died fighting Hitler so I need to speak for him. Thank you.
I put the Substack on so maybe people will access
Tried the bottom share but Substack doesn’t allow the share. Please post on Fb if you don’t mind. More locals who don’t do Substack need the opportunity to this piece🇺🇸
I sent you a friend request & posted.
I think it’s easier to share on my phone. We shall see.
Please put this on FB dpi can share
Thanks, I think you can share on the bottom of the Substack app with the arrow to select your media choice. Let me know. I have a defunct FB, but I can revive it and friend you I think. FB has too many trollers. I keep it to watch Heather’s video’s!
I’ll try. This is so inspirational and as a white, woke 82 year old woman with an ED.D. I feel the need now more than ever to speak up against the current political environment. My oldest brother Charlie died fighting Hitler so I need to speak for him. Thank you.
Here’s your link to me: https://www.facebook.com/diane.kimbal.1?mibextid=LQQJ4d
So I can share
Go to the share button and FB is listed.