Diane K24, Probably with your msg from this stack yesterday in mind this morning my first thought about the results in Iowa was that NEARLY 50% of Iowa's Republican caucus participants WANTED SOMEONE ELSE!

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The smart people and older people who didn’t want to risk their health in the weather stayed home. Perhaps that will be a surprise factor in the general. I do not know how farmers and rural citizens could be Republican. I don’t get it.

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Different and very limited 'news' sources is all I can think of.

I also have a problem understanding why any woman or anyone who even knows a woman would be Republican.

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I agree, and why anyone not white would vote Republican. Mind-boggling!

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That’s Fl healthcare worse than politics. Only 6 hours! As bad as home insurance.

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Great story, Diane. Those two give me hope.

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Thanks, Jena. Me too!

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There IS balm in Gilead.

During Mass at Saints Peter and Paul Church, a kind lady shook me with her song, "There IS a BOMB in Gilead . . ."

Er . . . had me looking around.

No matter where you live, there ARE good people all around. I live in a RED suburb of Memphis, but even around me there are many, many good people -- yes, even among GOP.

We are in a worrying time, and your couple caught the GOP's dilemma of THE cult.

Very worrying. This couple recognized it.

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing.

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I know many Republicans who are good people, but they are so silent.

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Dear Diane K24: You are RIGHT.

Think about it. What does their silence prove?

That the GOP is the party of Dictatorship and suppression of opposite opinions.

A good woman could easily decide, Yes, America has social needs that Government must meet; minorities must be protected. But America has a debt problem and we need fiscal responsibility. This woman also believes Government should loosen the reins on business. The debt, fiscal responsibility, business-friendly, and immigration are issues that make her GOP. But she sees clearly: Trump is the way of bigotry and dictatorship.

Now picture this woman in her community. Her opponents are Fundamentalist-cultists, even if she attends their church.

I have LIVED in that environment in the 1950s and 1960s, and it is not pretty.

This woman has to limit her comments to retain ANY social life, or the patriarchal society -- maybe even her own partner or husband -- would preach her down.

And I KNOW how a Fundamentalist preaches down.

This woman would like to express her opinions, but is quashed in a patriarchal environment.

This scenario replicates itself countlessly throughout America.

These are people trying to live a good life according to their own lights.

Silence becomes a survival mechanism.

If Trump wins, with his reign of "Retribution," I think you and I will be judicious about with whom we share our views, just to survive.

My PARENTS were ahead of time in being a real part of the problem, so I know the foe from the inside.

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You have covered the problem well: in fact, you should write for the paper! You made me think of a family war before Kennedy was elected. My grandparents were old time Republicans who read conspiracy theories, sadly. The rest of the family were Democrats. Silence at gatherings. After the 1963 assassination of Kennedy, my grandparents alienated everyone, and they seemed content. The short of it all was everyone in the family to this day are Democrats. So, good came from bad in the long run.

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Diane K24: I don't want to monopolize your time but . . .

I was born in '48; when I was 12 (1960), JFK was elected.

OK. Let me set up the conflict.

My Mom and Dad by then are Fundamentalist and John Bircher's, who regularly read "American Opinion," which the John Birch Society put out as a glossy monthly with charts each month on the progress of the Communist Party -- more or less like a pie chart -- in taking over the Defense Department and the State Department. Say, one-quarter of the Defense Department are COMMUNIST, as are one-third of the State Department.

When JFK was elected, it was . . . the mirror image of our feelings about a Trump victory in 2024: Democracy ends; the Communists take over; my Parents and their kind would be the FIRST on the block to be raped and executed by the KGB.

When JFK was assassinated, their reaction was - - - OMG, THEY (the Media; the majority of Americans) will blame US (i.e., right-wing-cultists).


How did it look for the 12-year-old and young adolescent, Armando?

Well, my Dad was from New Hampshire and spoke with an accent related to that of JFK, so I admired JFK almost as a family member.

I had developed a youthful interest in politics. I occasionally heard General Douglas MacArthur and loved his oratory.

So, I secretly LOVED JFK's oratory.

JFK made ANYTHING he talked about interesting. I LOVED listening to him.

JFK had a YOUNG family, so I loved looking at them.

Oh, and by the way, I was a blossoming adolescent, and I fell HEAVILY IN LOVE with Jacqueline Bouvier-Kennedy, whom I thought was one of the most noble and beautiful of women in the whole world.

And the wonderful Mrs. Kennedy SPOKE FRENCH.

You have to understand. My MOM, God rest her good soul, was Walloon (French-speaking Belgian) from near Charleroi.

I was very close to my adored-Mom, who REARED me as a European. I literally pass in Germany, not only because I am easily bilingual, but I act naturally as a European, including at the dinner table.

So, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy was world-class BEAUTIFUL, and cultured, and intelligent, she had the BEST qualities of the person I loved most, namely, my MOM.

My MOM felt otherwise. She HATED Jacqueline Kennedy. Actually, with her French accent it was actually quite funny to hear my Mom curse at the little black-and-white TV tube at Mrs. Kennedy, with, "You WHORE" (with her French-trilled and breathed "R").

Now, my adored Mom continued to teach me European/French culture as I grew into my twenties, so I love classical music, literature, art, philosophy.

All of which helped my enlightenment to emerge AGAINST their Fundamentalist-cults and their odd, right-wing conspiracies.

How free do you think the Adolescent Armando felt to express his deep-seated admiration for JFK and his beautiful family? Clue: NOT.

So, when I went away to law school and met Nancy, the Love-of-My-Life, a healthy young woman who has joy of life, my liberation continued.

My folks couldn't stand it.

This led to a SIGNIFICANT break.

My much younger sister and brother took the lesson and remained, well . . . you get the idea.

But they are good people.

Can't stand them though.

So, I spend the most time on things that develop me as a full person. E.g., now I am comparing Aristotle's "Metaphysics" with the logical-reasonings of Nagarjuna and Chandrakirti in Middle-Way Buddhism.

If the dictatorship comes, I will silently resist, and be faithful to good people like you, and my comfort will be in such friends, and in my beautiful, well-loved Love-of-my-Life with whom I have been together 53 years, married 51, and with philosophy, art, music, literature.

But I know from the INSIDE why good Republicans are silent. It is cold and oppressive out there, and WE want them (our more secretive friends) to thrive.

Look how many mainstream Republicans were CENSURED by their state Party organizations, were "primaried" and forced out of Congress or the Senate. People like Jeff Flake and Mrs. Cindy McCain.

Yeah, the Republicans are a Party of bullies and dictatorship, and the persons of good will be careful in whom they choose to entrust candid thoughts.

It is called Darwinian survival.


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I’m a year younger and your story is fascinating. I loved Kennedy’s accent as well as his Catholic traditions more because of the white-Christian culture in my little town that had no room for blacks or Catholics. There were none to get to know, and when I entered college I fell in love with all of the nationalities and their accents. My political views were muffled during college, teaching back in the US, but once retired I’m free of institutionalized education and religion. There are too many wonderful people out there. Thanks for sharing, Armand!

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Diane K24: You are one of the ones I could talk with ALL DAY!

Nancy . . . well . . . she lets me know that I blab and blab and . . .

You are good to talk with, even if only virtually.

Substack fosters friendships, I have learned, to my delight.

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I’m reading this in ER waiting room in Fl. Only 1 trump hat so far🤪

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Hope you got seen. My in-laws use to live an hour north of Tampa. There were two hospitals, each located on the opposite side of town. They both had electronic billboards along the main road indicating their ER wait times. Lots of seniors in that area, but who’s going to raise up off the gurney or backseat and say, “I know we’re only a block away, but the other hospital has half the wait time. Turn around.” It was as bizarre as funny in a warped sad way.

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I hope all goes well for you—ER’s here mean long waits unless you’re in a wreck or shot!

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